Approaches To Listening | StudyTution

bottom-up process

  • Recognize words and clauses
  • Recognize key words
  • Recognize key transition words/phrases in a discourse/speech For example, just know when I spoke, I said then, so then is a transition word. So after then, what comes is what we need to pay attention to. So if
    you are able to recognize the transition words, then it becomes easy for you to connect the words and phrases that follow.
  • Recognize grammatical relationships between key words in the sentence For example, prepositions on, in. So these will help you establish the relationships
    between keywords in the sentence.
  • Recognize the order in which words occur in a sentence

which are the tasks that help us develop this bottom-up process?

  • So, for example, listening to positive and negative statements and choose an appropriate response.
  • These are statements from a longer spoken discourse.
  • So the statement could be, that is a nice bag.
  • So you have the option to say yes or no.
  • So this statement by itself may not make sense to you now.
  • But when it is a part of a larger discourse, then when you are asked questions like, say yes or no.
  • So please understand that they are testing your bottom-up processing capability.
  • That is not a very good idea.
  • So if two of us are conversing about some idea on how to do a certain thing, and one of your friends says, Oh, I do not think that is a good idea. So what is not a good idea?
  • Then you go back to the conversation, and you try to identify what you had said, and which she is commenting on as not a very good idea, right?
  • This tea is not hot.
  • So when based on a spoken discourse, you are given statements to answer, then that is part of the bottom-up listening process.


A listener who develops this ability can do the following:

  • Can use key words to construct the ideas involved in a conversation/discourse
  • Can infer the setting for a text
  • Can infer the role of the participants and their goals
  • Can infer cause and effect relationship
  • Can guess unsaid details of a situation/ guess
  • Can guess/anticipate questions related to a given topic
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