Sounds and Writing symbols In English | StudyTution

sounds and writing symbols in English

  • The main goal in language learning or at least one of the important things that we need to achieve is to build our confidence that is when we speak we speak to others when we speak we think we think about things and 2
    then we communicate to others
  • so when we are speaking with others we must sound totally confident with our content this happens that is we sound confident in the language that we have learned
  • When we know nuances of that language
  • when we know how those nuances help us learn the language one more time
  • for us to sound confident knowing the nuances of language is important and only then we sound confident and
    impressive knowing nuances of language
  • the details of language the details about the components of language helps us learn the language fast well
  • when we know things well our learning shows up
  • Therefore these nuances are important to keep in mind
  • These nuances show up when we speak when our efforts in paying attention to nuances for the purpose of
    learning English
  • This nuances will show up when you speak when you communicate with others and slowly incrementally and in a steady fashion you will see the impact of that in your language

Writing Symbols 

  • writing symbols in English what we also know as alphabets are different from how they sound
  • the way we write a word is not the way they sound or we speak in other words that is not they sound when we speak
  • For examples put stress on this part time to time in this part so first look at what are the writings
  • the 26 characters of English alphabet are a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w X Y & Z or Z
  • These letter this is how these letters sound this is how we read these letters these are the letters that we use in writing English
  • but when we write a word using these letters in a word these letters don’t sound this way
  • In English writing system these 26 letters are written in two different ways one is called upper case eg A B C Q W E this part is upper case and this part is lower case a b c d e f g h
  • This is important and when you read things written in English we usually see the first word of a sentence is written with uppercase
  • this is a conventional way of representing writing in English and then rest of the things are written using lower cases
  • sometimes we write every first letter of every word in uppercase so these are certain conventions in writing English we when we learn English as a child or when you watch children learn English they learn through lines


  • The first sound in the word Apple is not a think about this say the word Apple can see what the word what the sound comes as it is not a it is a Apple
  • Apple in it becomes clear when we say ball the first sound in a word like ball is BA not Band
  • word like ball we say first sound is BA not be we write with B but we say BA
  • so spelling that is spelling of a written word is very different from how the sounds in that word are arranged to say
  • spelling is be a ll when we say sounds are ba or and love in a word like cat spelling is see a t-cells are cut we
    then when you go to dog sounds are duh Oh duh or go spelling is D or Z
  • similarly in elephant the first letter when we write the word is e not the first sound the first sound is a and
  • likewise you will notice it throughout English writing system and this is true for every word in English so we write with these symbols but we say it differently we need to keep that in mind
  • writing system in uppercase and lowercase letters helps us understand writing system as this helps us read what we write or what is written

consonants and vowels

  • the sounds involved in these alphabets not the sounds they represent when we speak.

how these sounds are produced

  • the exhaling flow of air is responsible for speech sounds it is responsible for production of speech sounds
  • in other words we speak by modifying exhaling flow of air in our oral cavity at different parts in in the oral cavity and different types of sounds are produced
  • so when there is very little or no obstruction in the oral cavity for the purpose of flow of air that is flow of exhaling air we get vowel sounds
  • when total or right different types of obstructions are created they are called consonants
  • so with little or no obstruction we get vowels with little or more obstruction in the flow of air we get consonants


  •  vowel sound bubbles are a I oh and you these are the symbols which represent vowels in the writing system
  • but total number of vowels in English is way more than that
  •  when we leave this it’s this first word is called pit pit the vowel sound here is short e e pit pet here each
  •  pet pad so this is how this sounds but but so it is written with you but it is aa awesome book written represented with this doubling of o B or okay but it is pronounced as short o book mother being burn burn
  • so all these words represent the total number of available consonant sounds in English you can count them
    they are one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 there are 20 wobbles in English
  • that is 20 volts amps
  • similarly when you  look at consonant sounds in English you see 24 consonant sounds in English
  • when sad zoo man not these are these words these sounds are ba ba jaw and these are represented in these slant lines

  • 24 consonant sounds in English and 20 wall sounds in English this chart of consonant sounds in English again shows you these consonant sounds in different words with the help of color scheme


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